Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Day...(12/7/2008)

Today's the first day i started with this blog... You guys might be wondering what 'muliebrity' means and why i picked it... Well i think only literature students, knows that 'muliebrity' means - the power and greatness of a woman.

However i didn't write my essay on this poem during today's Literature test... Too much to write... Proves that i'm lazy... I wrote 'Spectator ab extra' instead. I went crazy today... Well i went crazy when i first step foot in MA4E and became part of it... Everyday is crazy, special and energetic there... Love it!!!

As i was saying, i set my alarm clock to 5 am but woke up 5:06 am... was too tired to climb out of bed... Revised for the 3 test we were gonna have... I can't believe after spending time trying my hardest to remember MIB, Ck. Rashidah said there's no test today!?!?! Wrote something which i think is an informal letter for the english test...

Was pretty much blur and hysterical after chemistry... I MADE A LOT OF MISTAKES FOR CHEM TT3!!!!!!! To add a cherry on top of my perfect(NOT) day, my whole class argued for abt 30min on which day to have our A.Maths TT3.

Surprisingly i became clear and a bit more rational after lunch. I think i was the chicken.... since it was shared among i think 4 of us... What?! sharing is caring!!! don't be dirty minded like the lotion freak in our class... who passed her talent to Qeel because me(her daughter ;-)) won't follow her footsteps... Now my cuzin Qeel is prob her loyal follower...

Other than blogging, chatting, watchin Tv, relaxing, reading, eating and drinking... Nothing else... If u count shopping at Hua Ho counts as important... That practically is my day... Everyday is different but i think the most interesting ones are probably school days... When i can argue wih Qeel... Xp

My opinions

Live everyday to the fullest...
Just Be Yourself....
There's nothing shameful in doing the right thing...
It takes a lot of guts to admit you are wrong...
People who cry are brave...
One experience with death will alter the way you look at life forever...
Everything is temporary...
Money is the root of all evil...
Love is meaningless...