Saturday, July 26, 2008

Under Qeel's aura

Well, since Qeel desperately wants me to post a new post...( doesn't really make sense does it?) I finally found time and energy to do so... (Happy Qeel?) I pretty much thought about Qeel's suggestion on starting a book on 'Muliebrity'. Might be doing it... I need to know the time of House season 4.... Pls... Caroline might say "sheesh" after reading this... I just wanna say, if you can be lame why can't Qeel and I have something to be crazy about? But I like the coke and pepsi joke... (u gave me the list of jokes for drafting my chem) Same goes to the satellite and TV one... I seriously have no idea why I must be so easy to be influenced by Qeel and persuaded to write this blog... If its boring - blame Qeel... Not me... Haha :)


Anonymous said...

Whoever said you can't be lame? I'm beginning to like House anyways. =p I like the satellite and TV one!! ;) "I seeee youuuu!!!" Hahaha! Okay. High. Yet again...

Qeel-ah said...

bwahahah..Under my aura??
nice... hahha since I am TALLER. hahahha xp.jk jk pey yi.. I think I figured out something about you. Hahaha

My opinions

Live everyday to the fullest...
Just Be Yourself....
There's nothing shameful in doing the right thing...
It takes a lot of guts to admit you are wrong...
People who cry are brave...
One experience with death will alter the way you look at life forever...
Everything is temporary...
Money is the root of all evil...
Love is meaningless...